Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensures that students with disabilities have access to public education. It also outlines programs and services available to students. There are two special education services available:

  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
    Children who qualify for an IEP are those whose disability puts them at risk of acadmic failure. The IEP outlines specific accommodations to be made for student. These accommodations are usually not available to the average student in a mainstream classroom. Students with IEPs are part of a school’s Special Education Program.  IEPs are regularly evaluated to ensure that the accommodations in place are actually helping the student succeed. Regular adjustments to the IEP can be made if parents and educators deem it necessary.
  • 504 Plan
    Children with disabilities that do not put them at risk of academic failure may qualify for a 504 Plan. The student remains in the mainstream classroom with necessary accommodations without being part of the Special Education Program.

If you believe your child might qualify, submit your request for an evaluation in writing to the school’s administrator. The school must honor your request within a limited amount of time or send a letter explaining why they decline. In general, every student is entitled to an evaluation once a year. If you disagree with the results of the evaluation, you can (at your own expense) hire an independent evaluator (usually a health care provider) and challenge the school’s decision.
Learn more: Although written for Migraine patients, the information in these resources also apply to children with Cluster Headache
Students with migraine deserve betterSpecial Education Services for Student with Migraine

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