Global Incidence and Prevalence of Cluster Headache

Authors: Z Katsarava, A Dzagnidze, M Kukava, E Mirvelashvili, M Djibuti, M Janelidze, R Jensen, LJ Stovner, TJ Steiner, on behalf of the Global Campaign to Reduce the Burden of Headache Worldwide and The Russian Linguistic Subcommittee of the International Headache Society
Source: Cephalalgia. 2009 Sep;29(9):949-52


We present a study of the general-population prevalence of cluster headache in the Republic of Georgia and discuss the advantages and challenges of different methodological approaches. In a community-based survey, specially trained medical residents visited 500 adjacent households in the capital city, Tbilisi, and 300 households in the eastern rural area of Kakheti. They interviewed all (n = 1145) biologically unrelated adult occupants using a previously validated questionnaire. The household responses rates were 92% in Tbilisi and 100% in Kakheti. The survey identified 32 persons with possible cluster headache, who were then personally interviewed by one of two headache-experienced neurologists. Cluster headache was confirmed in one subject. The prevalence of cluster headache was therefore estimated to be 87/100 000 (95% confidence interval < 258/100 000). We used a conservative approach, which has an obvious advantage of high-quality data collection, but is very demanding of manpower and time.
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